BBB BUC Prof MngCSetting
Manage Class Settings
Brief Description:
User can manage class settings by defining preferred properties.
Scenario 1: Edit class settings.
- User is authenticated.
- User is accessing the home page.
Step# | Actor | System | Data Used |
1 | Clicks the "Class Settings" button. | Redirects to the "Class Settings" page. | All fields in the 'course' table are used. |
2 | Chooses a class from the drop-down list labeled "Filter by class". | Sets the "Filter by class" field to the respectively chosen class. | All fields in the 'course' and 'section' tables are used. |
3 | Chooses a section from the drop-down list labeled "Section". | Sets the "Section" field to the chosen section, and returns a respective list of changeable settings and a list of students registered in the class. | All fields in the 'student', 'course', and 'section' tables are used. |
4 | Modifies default or previously edited settings (Allow private chat, Allow multiple user whiteboard, Allow recording, Allow to share camera). | Modifications are respectively set. | Database is not affected. |
5 | Optionally, chooses to edit student information by clicking the "Edit" button in a listed record. | Returns a screen with editable fields regarding student details. | All fields in the 'student' table are used. |
6 | Fills in editable fields and chooses to save student information. | Validates fields and prompts if student information is correct. | Database is not affected. |
7 | Confirms whether or not the student updated information is correct. | Returns to the page that has the previously selected class and its respective section, and includes student updated information on the screen. | Student updated information is saved in the database. All fields in the 'student' table are used. |
8 | (1). Chooses to save class settings, or (2). chooses to cancel class settings editing process. | (1). Persists class settings details. | (1). "Allow private chat", "Allow multiple user whiteboard", "Allow recording", and "Allow to share camera" definitions are updated in the database. All fields in the 'course' and 'section' tables are used. |
(2). Discards updated class settings details. | (2). Database is not affected. |
Alternative event flow. |
Successful Post-conditions:
- User gets a feedback message informing that transaction was successful.
- Updated class settings are now effective.
- User returns to the home page.