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PW Core


PW Core is the core component of PluginWatcher, which resides at the plugin core of the Firefox browser. The intended purpose of PW Core is to time how long it takes plugins (such as Macromedia Flash, Windows Media Player, Acrobat Reader etc...) to execute their calls and then report the runtime (in milliseconds) using the Mozilla Observer service to anyone registered to receive PluginWatcher's notifications.

Release Information

PW Core is part of Mozilla 1.9 and will be released along with Firefox 3. If you are interested in seeing the code please visit this bug.


To make use of PW Core you must register to receive its runtime notifications using Mozilla's Observer service. To do this you need to know the notification's topic which is 'experimental-notify-plugin-call'. If you are new to the Mozilla Observer service, you may want to familiarize yourself with it before proceeding further. You can find more information on the Observer service here and here.

Below are a number of JavaScript snippets that would be useful to developers trying to work with PW Core:


To register for PW notification with the Observer service you must create a class with a register function that contains the following code:

 var observerService = Components.classes[";1"]
 observerService.addObserver(this, "experimental-notify-plugin-call", false);