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GPU621/Intel Parallel Studio Inspector

34 bytes added, 21:42, 19 November 2020
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= Features and Functionalities =
Intel Inspector provides developers a way to secure their program by detecting and locating memory and threading errors. When a program is large and the logic within it is complicated, the memory and threading bugs become difficult to locate. This is particularly true when developing programs that need to be optimized using multi-threading approaches. Intel Inspector offers parallelization model support, which includes the support to:
Besides, Intel Inspector also supports various languages (C, C++, and Fortran), operating systems (Windows and Linux), IDEs (Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc.), and compilers (Intel C++, Intel Fortran, Visual C++, GCC, etc.). These all together make Intel Inspector a convenient and efficient tool in helping developers build and test complicated programs and HPCs more easily.
In terms of functionalities, the Intel Inspector four different debuggers: Correctness Analyzer & Debugger, Memory Debugger, Threading Debugger, and Persistent Memory Debugger. In the scope of this course and project, we will focus on the first three debuggers.