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*Liz Chak - logo, testing
== Project Details Status =====13/12/2006===Buggy Bars First Release!<br/>With the first release out There are still a long list of things to do. While the first release supports all the initial requested functionality it doesn't have much error checking and other areas are lacking as well. I want to overhaul the back end and fix some areas that were coded poorly because of my inexperience with javascript and also the icons and images for the project which will be done by my friend and graphic designer Rich Lawson. For the next release I'm expecting these areas to be fixed and I hope to release it public use. Currently I am looking for suggestions about changes and improvements and looking for testers and I can be reached at invagle@hotmail.com
== Project News ==
*[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/inveigleEXT.xpi first try at creating a FF extension]
* emailed beltzner
*release 0.1
* Spoke to robcee and jay on irc, and they are both interested in following this and helping out. Jay is going to be away until Oct 16. Contact him then. (dave)
**customize field options
**change bugs from "NEW" or "UNCONFIRMED" status to "CONFIRMED" or "ASSIGNED"
***[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1-01.PNG screen shot1]
***[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1-02.PNG screen shot2]
***[http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1-03.PNG screen shot3]
**download [http://cs1.senecac.on.ca/~b6001a07/buggyBar-0.1.xpi here!] and try it out!
**<s>steps to reproduce</s>
*login to bugzilla feature
*control bug list search parameters
*<s>update bug(almost done)</s>
*<s>allow for bugxilla instances to be saved and selected</s>
*rip field code out and put it in object