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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

688 bytes removed, 14:43, 11 January 2012
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# The boot process is completed when you see the GDM Login Screen. Click on "Automatic Login" to login as the <ol> <li value="Live System User5".# We are going to start by opening a terminal window to access our shell environment. Click on Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal to start When the terminal.# At the top of the terminal windowFedora16 Installation DVD boots, you should see it will prompt the command prompt similar user to [liveuser@localhost ~]$ This prompt indicates that it is ready to take your commandtest the media (i. The program that is running is called a shelle.# At the command prompt, enter the command whoami (all in one wordDVD) and press returnfor integrity. This command shows Since time is limited for installation in the so-called User Namelab, select '''SKIP'''. Make notes of this user name.# At On the command promptother hand, enter if the command pwd and press return. This command shows install did not work, then you can test out the so-called present working directory or current working directory. Record the present working directory integrity of the shell running on DVD in the terminal window. As we have not yet changed directories this should also be computer lab during your users home directoryspare time. (Also indicated by the ~ character in the prompt)</li></ol>
{{Admon/important|Using Superuser Privilege|Throughout this course, you may need to execute commands using the privileges of the the administrative user (username "root", also called the "superuser"). To switch from your account to the root account, type the command: <code>su</code>