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490 bytes added, 11:47, 9 April 2011
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== Lighting ==
Instructions to incorporate advanced lighting into your game:
//Download the full working solution here:ORDownload just the files that have changes relevant to be completedlighting here:  Copy from the files or manually code the following: Configuration.hIncrease the MAX_STR_ARRAYS macro by 1 (Line 46)Add two more elements to the Integer enum: GF_NO_ALGS and GF_DF_ALGO (Lines 88, 89)Add an element to the StrArray enum: GF_LITDESC (Line 127)Create a macro called LIGHT_DESCRIPTIONS (Line 331)Create an enum called LightAlgorithm (Line 389) Context.cpp  
************************ Lighting Documentation v1.00 ************************
* To avoid bloating the object class, three variables will be used across the various
* algorithms in different ways. It is very important to note that an algorithm may not
* neccesarily necessarily use all three variables in its calculations. Also, each algorithm may
* accept different ranges of values from each of the variables it does use. The
* lighting algorithms available for use in the framework are described below:

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