The Bridge pattern has the following consequence:
<li>'''Decoupling interface and implementation''' - inheritance tightly couples an abstraction with an implementation at compile time. Bridge pattern can be used to avoid the binding between abstraction and implementation and to select implenetation at run time</li><li>'''Improved extensibility''' - extend the Abstraction and Implementor hierarchies independently</li><li>'''Hiding implementation detail from clients''' - shield clients from implentation details, like the sharing of implemntor objects and accompanying reference count merchanism</li><li>Reduction in '''Interface and implementation can be varied independently''' - maintaining two different class hierarchies for interface and implementation entitles to vary one independent of the number of sub classesother</li><li>Cleaner '''Lossely coupled client code''' - Abstraction separates the client code and Reduction in executable sizefrom the implementation</li><li>Interface and implementation can be varied independently'''Reduction in the number of sub classes'''</li><li>Lossely coupled client '''Cleaner codeand Reduction in executable size'''</li>