CpaCoderpz - oop344 20123
OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources
[hide]Team Name: cpaCoderpz
Week 5
- read over the Assignment instructions
- prepare any questions for Friday's class (Oct 5)
- latest will be on top
topic, date
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Team Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | GITHUB ID | Blog URL |
Freddy | Cheungh | cpaCoderpz | A | fgcheunghchen1 | Freddy Gai Fung Cheungh Chen | fgcheunghchen1 | fgcheunghchen1 | Freddy's C++ Blog |
Matt | Jang | cpaCoderpz | A | mjang13 | Matt Jang | SoBrisk | SoBrisk | Matt's Blog |
Kelly | Lara | cpaCoderpz | A | klara | klara | kmlara | kmlara | Occupation:student |
Vernileo | Turalba | cpaCoderpz | A | vturalba | Leo Turalba | Ltur | leoturalba | Blogging Coderz |
Joseph | Visconti | cpaCoderpz | B | jvisconti2 | TBD | Visconti | Joseph-Visconti | OOP344 |