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Basics : Install Eclipse Plugins Fedora

Revision as of 12:17, 18 January 2011 by Selmys (talk | contribs)

Installing Eclipse onto Fedora 14 - X86_64

  1. Start with a clean install of Fedora 14, preferably from a live CD. For my examples I used the 64 bit edition.
  2. When the install is complete, open a terminal window and run yum update to bring your system up to date. You may have to reboot once this is done.
  3. Install Eclipse (Helios 3.6.1) with the command yum groupinstall "Fedora Eclipse".
  4. That's it! You can now use Eclipse to build C, C++ or Java programs.

Starting Eclipse for the First Time

  1. When starting Eclipse you are prompted for the directory that will hold your projects. The default directory is called workspace.