Student List 20111 - OOP344

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Revision as of 20:14, 14 January 2011 by Sbrooks4 (talk | contribs) (Added Team Commit to Ronito's row)
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OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

OOP344 Student List for winter of 2011

Make sure you have the following done before you add your name here:

  • You have a registered name for IRC; server.
  • You have a blog for OOP344 either by filtering your posts or a dedicated blog.

Please add your information to the student list table below by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in oop344, Winter of 2011).

|[[User:WUN | FN]]||LN||[[TPN |TN]]||SEC||[ LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN | WUN]]||IN||[ Blog | BN ]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Your Team Page Name on wiki
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SEC: Your OOP344 Section (example: A, B or C)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • BURL: Your Blog URL
  • BN: Your Blog Title

Do Not add your row unless you have all the above information.

If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.

OOP344 - Winter of 2011 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Fardad Soleimanloo The Team Name OOP344X fsoleima fardad fardad Fardad's seneca blog
Ahmad Ali The Team Name OOP344B aali83 aali83 ahmad_ Ahmad Ali's Seneca Blog
Sunny Chau The Team Name OOP344A schau5 Schau5 ScsC My Blog
Dmitry Artemenko Team Commit OOP344B dartemenko1 Dima _worms Personal Blog
Pratik Patel Coders OOP344A pvpatel5 pvpatel5 patrick_patel Pratik Patel oop344
Jitender Dhanda The Team Name OOP344A jsingh180 jsingh180 jay Jitenders' blog
Luigi Bozianu X-trim OOP344A lbozianu lbozianu luigibozi Just Blog!
Yang Wang Team Name OOP344A ywang248 ywang ywang Yang
Shaun Hill Team Name OOP344B sahill1 sahill1 sahill1 Shaun Hill's coding blog
Ronito Salamanca Team Commit OOP344B rsalamanca rsalamanca rsalamanca Ronito's Blog
Muhammad Iqbal Team Name OOP344B miqbal5 Muhammad_Iqbal Muhammad
Weichen Liang Team Name OOP344B wliang11 wliang11 wliang Will's blog
Patrick Villanueva Team Name OOP344B pvillanueva pvillanueva pvillanueva PatrickV.
Ashkan Sotoudeh Coders OOP344B asotoude asotoude asotoude Ashkan's Blog
Andrew Bruno X-trim OOP344B ajbruno ajbruno ajbruno Andrew's Blog
Stephen Edwards Team Name OOP344A swedwards swedwards swedwards Steve's Blog
David Huang Team Name OOP344B dhuang20 dhuang20 dhuang20 Dave's Blog
Dorian Bar Team Name OOP344A dbar1 Dbar1 dorianbar Dorian's Blog
Stephen Brooks Team Commit OOP344B sbrooks4 sbrooks4 sbrooks4 Stephen's Blog
Guo Ying Li Team Name OOP344B gyli1 gyli1 gyli1 Guo's Blog
Jingqi Cui Team Name OOP344B jcui12 jcui12 jcui12 Jingqi Cui oop344
Juan Pablo Molina Matute Team Name OOP344B jpmolinamatute jpmolinamatute juanp_1982 My Blog
Herman Wu Team Name OOP344B hwu46 hwu46 Herman_Wu Herman's Blog
Sean Thistle Team Name OOP344B sthistle sthistle Yellow-Box_Mk2 tToyEtSCciPe
Jiding Wang X-trim OOP344B jwang206 jwang206 jdmax mahatma is not me
Adhika Mahendra TN OOP344B amahendra amahendra amahendra My Blog
Shavar Cox Team Commit OOP344B SSCox SSCox ShavarSean Shavar's Blog
Alex Kotliar Team Name OOP344B Akotliar Akotliar Akotliar Alex's Blog
Natesh Mayuranathan Team Name OOP344B nmayuranathan Nmayuranathan Tesh_ Natesh's Blog
Dongxu Yu Team Name OOP344B dyu26 dyu26 Don_yu Don's Blog oop344
Alan Cook Team Name OOP344A acook6 Acook6 acook6 Alan's Programming Blog
Darren Butcher TN OOP344B dbutcher Dbutcher hellodarren HelloDarren! Blog