Cbishop2 Firefox Build - 2

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Chris Bishop

Firefox build for lab 1



Build Environment Hardware

  • Intel Dual-Core


  • Microsoft XP
  • Visual Studio 2008

For a start forward build I followed these steps.

  1. Download Mozilla-Build and extract to a folder.
  2. Using Mercurial download the Firefox trunk.
    1. Open console.
    2. Move to the mozilla-build\hg folder.
    3. Checkout the source code.
      hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/ path\to\destination
      path\to\destination should not have any spaces in it. Suggestion is \mozilla.
  3. Create configuration file.
    1. Move to source top level directory. The folder the source was cloned to in step 2.C.
    2. Create file .mozconfig.
    3. Open .mozconfig for editing.
    4. Note: This is for Windows builds. Add the following lines
      mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/../obj-@CONFIG_GUESS@
      mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser
      ac_add_options --enable-application=browser
      ac_add_options --disable-optimize
      ac_add_options --enable-debug 
      These options worked for me but not necessarily the best options. To build faster should use --disable-debug and --enable-optimize
  4. Build Firefox Source code
    1. In console move to mozilla-build folder.
    2. Note: This is still for Windows builds.
      Run the appropriate start-*.bat file. You can determine which to run here.
    3. In the new console move to the top level folder for the source code as done in step 3.A.
    4. Run the make file. make -f client.mk build
  5. Run FireFox.
    Note: I failed to launch Firefox from the command line see Build Output below.
    1. In the Windows Explorer move to the top level folder for the source code as done in step 3.A.
    2. Then to a folder starting with obj.
    3. Next to the dist\bin folder.
    4. Create a shortcut for the Firefox.exe file. Right-click create shortcut.
    5. Open the properties for the shortcut. Right-click properties.
    6. In the target section add to the end -no-remote -profilemanager and press the ok button.
    7. Run Firefox from the shortcut. Double click the shortcut.
    8. Create a test profile, select the test profile, and click start minefield.

Build Output

Failed when running from command line

Would not let me use a test profile I created.

WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(compMgr) failed: file e:/mozilla/obj-i686-pc-mingw32/xpc
om/build/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 90
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(compMgr) failed: file e:/mozilla/obj-i686-pc-mingw32/xpc
om/build/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 90
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(compMgr) failed: file e:/mozilla/obj-i686-pc-mingw32/xpc
om/build/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 90
WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(compMgr) failed: file e:/mozilla/obj-i686-pc-mingw32/xpc
om/build/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 90
*** Registering components in: Apprunner
WARNING: dependent window created without a parent: file e:/mozilla/trunk/toolki
t/components/startup/src/nsAppStartup.cpp, line 447
++WEBSHELL 00E0E658 == 1
++DOMWINDOW == 1 (02C4E49C) [serial = 1] [outer = 00000000]
++DOMWINDOW == 2 (02CE2F0C) [serial = 2] [outer = 02C4E470]
pldhash: for the table at address 02D39DA0, the given entrySize of 52 probably f
avors chaining over double hashing.
++WEBSHELL 04038920 == 2
++DOMWINDOW == 3 (04039554) [serial = 3] [outer = 00000000]
++DOMWINDOW == 4 (04036324) [serial = 4] [outer = 04039528]
WARNING: getting z level of unregistered window: file e:/mozilla/trunk/xpfe/apps
hell/src/nsWindowMediator.cpp, line 635
WARNING: getting z level of unregistered window: file e:/mozilla/trunk/xpfe/apps
hell/src/nsWindowMediator.cpp, line 635
--WEBSHELL 04038920 == 1
--DOMWINDOW == 3 (04039554) [serial = 3] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://glob
--DOMWINDOW == 2 (04036324) [serial = 4] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
++WEBSHELL 04057140 == 2
++DOMWINDOW == 3 (04042CCC) [serial = 5] [outer = 00000000]
++DOMWINDOW == 4 (04037F3C) [serial = 6] [outer = 04042CA0]
WARNING: recurring into frame construction: 'mPresContext->mLayoutPhaseCount[eLa
youtPhase_FrameC] == 0', file e:\mozilla\trunk\layout\base\nsPresContext.h, line
WARNING: recurring into frame construction: 'mPresContext->mLayoutPhaseCount[eLa
youtPhase_FrameC] == 0', file e:\mozilla\trunk\layout\base\nsPresContext.h, line
WARNING: recurring into frame construction: 'mPresContext->mLayoutPhaseCount[eLa
youtPhase_FrameC] == 0', file e:\mozilla\trunk\layout\base\nsPresContext.h, line
WARNING: getting z level of unregistered window: file e:/mozilla/trunk/xpfe/apps
hell/src/nsWindowMediator.cpp, line 635
WARNING: getting z level of unregistered window: file e:/mozilla/trunk/xpfe/apps
hell/src/nsWindowMediator.cpp, line 635
--WEBSHELL 04057140 == 1
--WEBSHELL 00E0E658 == 0
WARNING: nsExceptionService ignoring thread destruction after shutdown: file e:/
mozilla/trunk/xpcom/base/nsExceptionService.cpp, line 194
--DOMWINDOW == 3 (04042CCC) [serial = 5] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://moza
--DOMWINDOW == 2 (04037F3C) [serial = 6] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
--DOMWINDOW == 1 (02C4E49C) [serial = 1] [outer = 00000000] [url = chrome://moza
--DOMWINDOW == 0 (02CE2F0C) [serial = 2] [outer = 00000000] [url = about:blank]
###!!! ASSERTION: !didRemove || RECURSION_LEVEL(table) == 1: '!didRemove || RECU
RSION_LEVEL(table) == 1', file e:/mozilla/obj-i686-pc-mingw32/xpcom/build/pldhas
h.c, line 748
 => mAllocCount:           8684
 => mReallocCount:          819
 => mFreeCount:            8665  --  LEAKED 19 !!!
 => mShareCount:           8474
 => mAdoptCount:            653
 => mAdoptFreeCount:        647  --  LEAKED 6 !!!