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Fall 2007 Project Sign-up

Revision as of 05:42, 14 September 2007 by Xrayon (talk | contribs)

Please create a section here listing your name and the three projects on which you'd like to work. See the Jane Doe entry for an example:

Jane Doe (example)

  1. Foo extension
  2. Baz bug fix
  3. Qux test case

Steve McAvoy

  1. Firefox Session Saver Extension
  2. Port canvas3d to non-Windows platforms
  3. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla

Armen Zambrano

  1. Firefox's Armenian localization
  2. Mozilla Source and Symbol Server
  3. Mozilla Tree Visualization

Rueen Fiez

  1. "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension
  2. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
  3. Firefox Session Saver Extension

Vincent Lam

  1. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
  2. Firefox Session Saver Extension
  3. "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension

Kenneth Lee

  1. Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
  2. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
  3. Add-on update helper tools for developers

Lukas Blakk

  1. Mozilla Metrics
  2. Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
  3. Mozilla Source and Symbol Server

(I removed the "Save Session" project, but I still want to participate in that one in some capacity)

Andrew Fung

  1. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
  2. Improve Mozilla Application and Platform Documentation
  3. Firefox Session Saver Extension

Dominic Baranski

  1. Cross-Platform Mozilla Build Farm
  2. Tinderbox front page improvements
  3. Buildbot and EC2

Adam Delyea

  1. Buildbot and EC2
  2. Cross-Platform Mozilla Build Farm
  3. Tinderbox front page improvements

AJ Rehman

  1. Functional Testing
  2. "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension
  3. CSS Guide

Michael Mullin

  1. Port canvas3d to Mac OS X
  2. Mozilla Tree Visualization
  3. Automated Testing

Shomar Dejonge

  1. Full-Text History Search extension
  2. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
  3. Automated Testing

Vijey Balasundaram

  1. Testing of Canadian Banking and Financial Sites in Mozilla
  2. Firefox Session Saver Extension
  3. "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension

Peter Callaghan

  1. Firefox Session Saver Extension
  2. "Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension
  3. Port canvas3d to non-Windows platforms

Timothy Duavis

  1. Breakpad development and server operation
  2. Desktop Social Networking Integration
  3. Mozilla Web Tools

Simon Jung

  1. Firefox Metrics Project
  2. Firefox Session Saver Extension

Jesse Buchanan

  1. Plugin-watcher
  2. Cross-Platform Mozilla Build Farm
  3. Mozilla Developer Virtual Appliance

Kerry M. Singh

Fima Kachinski