Team H Dynamix - OOP344 20111
Dynamix (Team H)
Project Marking Percentage
- due right after study break
Group work: XX% (25 <= xx <= 50) Individual work: XX% + (50 <= xx <= 75) ------------------------- Total 100%
- repo id: svn:oop344_111rep8
Trunk Status
- committed by
- id: emailid
- name: Darren Butcher
- irc nick: hellodarren
- any other info
Team Members
First Name | Last Name | Section | Seneca Id | wiki id | IRC nick | Blog URL |
Juan Pablo | Molina Matute | OOP344B | jpmolinamatute | jpmolinamatute | jpmolinamatute | My Blog |
Darren | Butcher | OOP344B | dbutcher | Dbutcher | hellodarren | Blog |
Edouard | Davlatian | OOP344A | edavlatian | edavlatian | edavlatian | Edouard's Blog |
task name
- task description
- being done by team member name / not assigned
- status
Meetings (latest will be on top)
topic, date
date Today 19-Jan-2011 was our first meeting in order to meet each other for first time. In today's meeting we talked about:
1) What we know about the course so far. 2) the best way to reach each other. 3) Our expectation for the course.