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Team H Dynamix - OOP344 20111

Dynamix (Team H)

Project Marking Percentage

  • due right after study break

Group work:      XX%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: XX% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


Trunk Status

  • committed by
    id: emailid
    name: Darren Butcher
    irc nick: hellodarren
    any other info

Team Members

Dynamix (Team H)
First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Juan Pablo Molina Matute OOP344B jpmolinamatute jpmolinamatute jpmolinamatute My Blog
Darren Butcher OOP344B dbutcher Dbutcher hellodarren Blog
Edouard Davlatian OOP344A edavlatian edavlatian edavlatian Edouard's Blog


task name

  • task description
  • being done by team member name / not assigned
  • status

Meetings (latest will be on top)

topic, date

date Today 19-Jan-2011 was our first meeting in order to meet each other for first time. In today's meeting we talked about:

1) What we know about the course so far. 2) the best way to reach each other. 3) Our expectation for the course.
