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BBB BUC Prof MngCSetting

4 bytes added, 10:48, 17 June 2013
no edit summary
| style="text-align: center;" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | 6 || bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | Fills in editable fields and chooses to save student's information. || bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | Prompts if student's information is correct. || bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | Database is not affected.
| style="text-align: center;" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | 7 || bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | Confirms whether or not the student's updated information is correct. || bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | Returns to the page that has the previously selected class and its respective section, and includes student's updated information on the screen. || bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | Student's updated information is saved in the database. All fields in the 'student' table are used.
| style="text-align: center;" rowspan="2" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" | 8 || rowspan="2" | (1). Chooses to save class settings, or (2). chooses to cancel class settings editing process. || (1). Persists class settings details. || (1). "Allow private chat", "Allow multiple user whiteboard", "Allow recording", and "Allow to share camera" definitions are updated in the database. All fields in the 'course' and 'section' tables are used.