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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

649 bytes added, 15:00, 11 January 2012
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=Performing Lab 1=
== Instructions =Investigation 1 - performing Fedora DVD Install on Hard Drive == 
# Insert your '''removable SATA hard disk''' in the drive tray.
<li value="5">When the Fedora16 Installation DVD boots, it will prompt the user to test the media (i.e. DVD) for integrity. Since time is limited for installation in the lab, select '''SKIP'''. On the other hand, if the install did not work, then you can test out the integrity of the DVD in the computer lab during your spare time.</li>
<li>Select the default language ('''English''') in the next install screen, and click '''Next'''.</li>
<li>Select the default '''keyboard layout ''' and '''Basic Storage Devices ''' in the following installation screens.</li>\ <li>Set your hostname (name of the computer) to - '''f16host''' (one word, no space, all lowercase). Record in your lab logbook why you think it is important to set your hostname to this exact name instead of using another name...</li> <li>Set your time zone to Toronto.</li> <li>Root Password: enter a password of your own choosing. Pick one that is really, really hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!").</li> <li>Select Use All Space, to have the entire disk for the current Fedora16 OS.</li> </ol> {{Admon/important|Other Linux Installs|You may be "hestitant" to want to use the entire disk for just one operating system, but we will be using software that will allow us to run virtual machines for installation of other versions of Fedora and allow them to run at the same time as our main (host) Fedora distribution.|}} <ol> <li></li></ol> #* Disk Partition Setup - Specify a Custom Layout, and then set up the installation with this configuration:#** Find your existing 300MB partition (/dev/sda1). Edit this entry so that the mountpoint is /boot and is formatted as an ext3 filesystem.#** Don't touch the other existing 300M partition (/dev/sda5).#** Create 4 new LVM Physical Volumes that are 25000 MB in size. Set the File System Type to Physical Volume (LVM). Should be /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda9.#** Create an LVM Volume Group. Set the Volume Group Name to '''vg_main''' and set the Physical Extent size to '''4MB'''.#** Click on the Add button (within the "Make LVM Volume Group" window) to create a logical volume within that volume group:#*** Mount point / (root), filesystem type ext4, logical volume name '''root''', size 90000MB.#* Say yes to continue without a swap partition.#* Say yes to format /dev/sda1.#* Accept Boot Loader defaults.#* Accept Graphical Desktop and repository defaults.# Proceed with the installation. '''Note how long it takes to perform the installation.'''# Reboot using the controls on the screen. When the system starts, it will ask you some final configuration questions.#* Check the License Agreement. What license is used for the Fedora distribution? What activities do have restrictions and obligations?#* Create a user account for yourself using the same name as your learn account.#* Set date and time. Normally, you would want to enable Network Time Protocol, but since we will be experimenting with the networking turned off in later labs, leave it disabled.#* Click on Do Not Send Hardware Profile.#* Finish the post-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and then login to your Learn account.
<li value="8">When prompted, make certain to select "'''Fresh Install" ''' in order to erase any previous contents of the hard disk.</li>
===Investigation 1 - How do you manually create hard disk partitions?===
# Enter the command <code>fdisk -l /dev/sda</code> and describe the output in your log book. The output may be similar to the following:
#* There should only be one storage drive listed - select it
#* If you get a warning that the drive may need to be initialized, it is because your drive is new and contains no partitition table. Select "Re-Initialize"
#* Set your hostname to - f16host (one word, no space, all lowercase)#* Root Password: enter a password of your own choosing. Pick one that is really, really hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!").#* Disk Partition Setup - Specify a Custom Layout, and then set up the installation with this configuration:#** Find your existing 300MB partition (/dev/sda1). Edit this entry so that the mountpoint is /boot and is formatted as an ext3 filesystem.#** Don't touch the other existing 300M partition (/dev/sda5).#** Create 4 new LVM Physical Volumes that are 25000 MB in size. Set the File System Type to Physical Volume (LVM). Should be /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda9.#** Create an LVM Volume Group. Set the Volume Group Name to '''vg_main''' and set the Physical Extent size to '''4MB'''.#** Click on the Add button (within the "Make LVM Volume Group" window) to create a logical volume within that volume group:#*** Mount point / (root), filesystem type ext4, logical volume name '''root''', size 90000MB.#* Say yes to continue without a swap partition.#* Say yes to format /dev/sda1.#* Accept Boot Loader defaults.#* Accept Graphical Desktop and repository defaults.# Proceed with the installation. '''Note how long it takes to perform the installation.'''# Reboot using the controls on the screen. When the system starts, it will ask you some final configuration questions.#* Check the License Agreement. What license is used for the Fedora distribution? What activities do have restrictions and obligations?#* Create a user account for yourself using the same name as your learn account.#* Set date and time. Normally, you would want to enable Network Time Protocol, but since we will be experimenting with the networking turned off in later labs, leave it disabled.#* Click on Do Not Send Hardware Profile.#* Finish the post-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and then login to your Learn account.
Answer the Investigation 2 questions in your lab log book.