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User:Egmetcalfe/Dead Code

1,111 bytes added, 16:23, 3 March 2010
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[ Declaration] [ Definition] [ MXR Search]
Code Size: 92, Static method, class marked THEBES_API
==== PRUint32 gfxFontUtils::MapCharToGlyph(PRUint8*,PRUint32,PRUnichar) ====
[ Declaration] [ Definition] [ MXR Search]
Code Size: 11, Static method, class marked THEBES_API === gfx/src/thebes === Path info: GetTextDimensions calls GetTextDimensionsInternal ==== nsresult nsThebesRenderingContext::GetTextDimensionsInternal(const PRUnichar*,PRInt32,PRInt32,PRInt32*,PRInt32,nsTextDimensions&,PRInt32&,nsTextDimensions&,PRInt32*) ==== [ MXR Search] Code Size: 2 ==== nsresult nsThebesRenderingContext::GetTextDimensions(const PRUnichar*,PRInt32,PRInt32,PRInt32*,PRInt32,nsTextDimensions&,PRInt32&,nsTextDimensions&,PRInt32*)==== Code Size: 56 [ MXR Search] Note: The 9 argument versions of these functions are not called. They same functions may be removed from nsIThebesFontMetrics, nsThebesFontMetrics and nsIThebesRenderingContext ==== nsresult nsThebesRenderingContext::DrawEllipse(const nsRect&) ==== [ MXR Search] Code Size: 10 Note: 1-arg func never used. Must be removed from nsIThebesRenderingContext as well
=== modules/libpr0n ===