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XUL Application Packaging

1,053 bytes added, 02:46, 23 February 2009
Project News
** Edited the generators of the .wxs and .wixobj WiX files, to accommodate the new UI
** So far the only problem is that the customizable installer will need to keep track of certain files which can be optionally installed
* February 11, 2009
** Completed Linux Packaging
** Using Autotools, managed to get Makefiles created, and tarballed the application directory
** End user will now be able to use 'make install' to install application to /usr/bin directory
* February 15, 2009
** Had to change how I used some of the autotools, need to execute them using scripts, because they are not reading the correct directory
** Completed the scripts, but the tools still don't seem to work
* February 16, 2009
** Implemented the nsIFilePicker dialog to get the application's directory path from the user
* February 17, 2009
** Started to merge my Windows and Linux releases
** Kept the Javascript in their two different files
** Refactored the Windows javascript to handle files and folders in a cross-platform manner (by using the append() method from the nsIFile interface)
* February 22, 2009
** Continued refactoring the Windows code, trying to get it to work on Linux
** Attempting to have some common variables in the javascript, so that the two files can work with it.