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Add an Infobar style warning for window resize/move

776 bytes added, 19:49, 19 February 2009
== Releases ==
'''Version 0.6:''' <br />
Use '''patch -1 < InfobarBackend0.6.txt''' for Back end code (events) <br />
Use '''patch -1 < InfobarFrontend0.6.txt''' for Front end code (UI) <br />
[[]] <br />
[[]] <br />
'''Release Notes:''' <br />
* Fixed all lines with more than 80 chars (moved em to next line!) in the backend code.
* Added new backend code: Checks a URI for its permissions and capacity before firing event.
* Allows URIs with "Allow_Action" to bypass "CanMoveResizeWindow()" function
* Added new in UI, permissions management for move/resizes.
* New menu items in the Infobar: Always Allow, Always Deny. Adds the current URI into the permissions management
* Removed resizedWindow.xul. We don't need it... really.
'''Version 0.5:''' <br />
Use '''patch -1 < InfobarBackend0.5.txt''' for Back end <br />