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XUL Application Packaging

1,180 bytes added, 12:45, 2 December 2008
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| | +- main.xul
| | +- main.js
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| +- chrome.manifest
* the ''chrome.manifest'' file is used to locate application resources
* the ''prefs.js' tells XULRunner where is XUL application file is, to open the main window
* the ''main.xul'' file is basically the physical layout of the application, which is written in XML * the ''main.js'' file is all the logic for the application, written in JavaScript
====Writing Programs in XUL====
The two main files in any XULRunner application are the .xul and .js file in the content directory. the .xul file gives your application all the layout detail of the program, very similar to something like an HTML file for a web page. The .js file give your application all the logic needed for your application to be useful, similar to an external JavaScript used on an HTML page, or an CSharp file linked to an ASP web page.
For XRap I am calling my JavaScript file in my XUL application using:
<script src="XRap.js" type="text/javascript"/>
To call a function in my JavaScript file from XUL is use
<command id="cmd_read" oncommand="getFile()" />
* where the control on the XUL app calls the ''id'' of the command
<button id="btn_read" label="Read File" command="cmd_read"/>
====File IO in XUL====
[ Reading Files in XUL]<br />
[ Writing Files in XUL]
====XML in XUL====
===Windows Development===