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OPS435 Ansible

1,939 bytes added, 17:10, 24 November 2019
Lab 9 Sign-off (Show Instructor)
:* For more detail information about ansible, check out the ansible web site at []
:* [ Overview]
:* [ Ansible Latest User Guide]
:* [ Ansible Configuration Management] - Second Edition
::* By: Daniel Hall, Publisher: Packt Publishing Pub.
::* Date: April 27, 2015,ISBN-13: 978-1-78528-230-0
::* Pages in Print Edition: 122
= System requirements =
* You must have at lease two networked machines
** control machine - run ansible to configure remote node - need Ansible 2.x (latest version 2.7)
** managed machine(s) - to be managed by the control node
* You should be able to ssh from your control machine as a regular user to any of your remote machines as regular user without supplying a login password.
* You account on the remote machine should be a sudoer and can run sudo without password.
* You should also be to ssh from your control machine as a regular user to any of your remote machines as root without supplying a login password
* Python 2.7+ on all nodes
= Investigation I: Introduction to Ansible =
ansible-doc module_name
e.dg. ansible_doc yum
: The following command demonstrates how to install the "epel-release" package with the "yum" module:
= Investigation III: Using Playbook to config a OPS435 Linux machine =
: You have just installed the latest version of CentOS 7.x on a VM with GNOME Desktop. You need to configure it so that you can use it for doing the Labs for OPS435. The following configuration need to be done on that VM:
:* update all the packages installed on the VM
:* install extra packages repository for enterprise Linux
:* install python3 if it is not already installed
:* set the host name to your Seneca user name
:* install the git package
:* create a new user with your Seneca_id with sudo access
:* configure the new user account so that you can ssh to it without password
:* setup a directory structs for completing and organizing labs as shown below:<source lang="bash">
:* create a playbook named "config_ops435.yml" to perform the tasks mentioned above.
:* test your playbook and capture its output when it complete without error.
= Questions Lab 9 Sign-off (Show Instructor) == System requirements = Have the following items ready to show your instructor: ==: * You must have at lease two networked machines** control node - run ansible to configure remote node - need The Ansible 2playbook called "config_ops435.x (latest version 2yml" for configuring the VM mentioned in Lab 1.7): ** remote nodes - to be managed by The result of running the playbook "config_ops435.yml". Save the control node* You should be to ssh from your control node as result in a regular user to any of your remote nodes as root user without supplying a login passwordfile called "lab9_[seneca_id].txt"* Python 2.7+ on all nodes= Reference = Upload the following files to blackboard ==: * [ Ansible Configuration Management] - Second Edition By: Daniel Hall, Publisher: Packt Publishing Pubconfig_ops435. Date: April 27, 2015,ISBN-13: 978-1-78528-230-0yml Pages in Print Edition: 122* lab9_[https://docsseneca_id] Ansible Latest User Guide]txt