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Fall 2017 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

10 bytes added, 11:57, 27 November 2017
!Category!!Percentage!!Evaluation Dates
|Communication||align="right"|20%||One third each: End of September(5%), End of November (Dec 3- 7.5%), end of course(Jan 8 - 7.5%).
|Quizzes||align="right"|10%||May be held during any class, usually at the start of class. A minimum of 5 one-page quizzes will be given. No make-up/retake option is offered if you miss a quiz. Lowest 3 scores will not be counted.
|Project work||align="right"|60%||2 stages: 20% (Dec 14) / 40% (Jan 8).
== Week 1 ==