User contributions
10 September 2010
18 July 2010
OOP344 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Main Application
OOP344 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
added the task distribution of main application
12 July 2010
30 June 2010
24 June 2010
OOP344 20102 TextEdit
Sample makefile for TextEdit
OOP344 20102 TextEdit
Sample makefile for TextEdit: changed 'b' to 'io'
OOP344 20102 TextEdit
General Definition Header file: changed b to io
OOP344 20102 TextEdit
Sample makefile for TextEdit: changed 'b' to 'io'
23 June 2010
Project 20102 OOP344
The Applicaton
Project 20102 OOP344
The Applicaton: added link to the main application description
The Project (under construction): added link to main application description page
17 June 2010
File:Iof edit variables spec.png
uploaded a new version of "File:Iof edit variables spec.png"
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Line Editor: int iof_edit(........)
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Complex Functions: fixed typeo
16 June 2010
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
edited IsTextEditor Section so that it is easier to read, corrected wrong urls to IsTextEditor Section
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Line Editor: int iof_edit(........): added links to IsTextEditor and made minor changes.
15 June 2010
OOP344 - HOTYS - 20102
Project Development Page: fixed OOP244 to OOP344 of the URL
Teams OOP344 20102
HOTYS: fixed OOP244 to OOP344
OOP344 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
fixed the wrong URL (OOP244 to OOP344)
13 June 2010
OOP344 - HOTYS - 20102
no edit summary
OOP344 - HOTYS - 20102
Team Project
OOP344 - HOTYS - 20102
edited the content
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
edited the look of the page
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Simple Functions: added link to the simple functions and updated the content
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions: added the link to complex functions
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions: edited distribution list
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions: edited distribution list
12 June 2010
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
mOOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Teams with 5 members
mOOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
mOop344 20102 - iof functions
Teams with 4 members: fixed typeo
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Teams with 5 members
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions: added the task distribution that will be updated after IRC meeting
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Teams with 5 members: fixed typeo
The Project (under construction): added the link to assingment #1
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
int iof_flag(..........): fixed typeo
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
Complex Functions
OOP244 - HOTYS Project Dev Page - 20101
HOTYS Project Development Page: added Fardad's suggested task distribution
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Teams with 5 members: fixed typeo
9 June 2010
File:Iof edit variables.png
uploaded a new version of "File:Iof edit variables.png"
Oop344 20102 - iof functions
Line Editor: int iof_edit(........): directly added graphical view of iof_function variables on page
8 June 2010
File:Iof edit variables spec.png
uploaded a new version of "File:Iof edit variables spec.png"
File:Iof edit variables.png
uploaded a new version of "File:Iof edit variables.png"