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Team J Joy - oop344 20111

Joy (team J)

Project Marking Percentage

  • due right after study break

Group work:      XX%        (25 <= xx <= 50)
Individual work: XX% +      (50 <= xx <= 75) 
Total           100%


  • repo id: 6

Trunk Status

  • committied by
    id: [1]
    irc nick:

Team Members

Joy (team J)
First Name Last Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick Blog URL
Guo Ying Li OOP344B gyli1 gyli1 gyli1 Guo Ying's Blog
Natesh Mayuranathan OOP344B nmayuranathan nmayuranathan Tesh_ Natesh's Blog
EnKyung Shim OOP344B eshiim eshiim eshiim EnKyung's Home
Romero C. A. Silva OOP344A rcasilva rcasilva rcasilva Rcasilva's OOP344 blog


Console UI Core classes R5.0(continued)

  • Code the following
 1. CCheck
 2. CButton
 3. CMenuItem
 4. CValEdit

Console UI Core classes R4.0(continued)

  • taged but still need to fix bugs
  • Code the following
 1. CDialog
 2. Clabel (Tester: Test2DialogAndLabel.cpp
 3. CLineEdit (Tester: Test3DialogAndLineEdit.cpp

Console UI Core classes R3.5(completed)

  • merge the code for Cframe and CFiled from branches\fardad\FrameFieldStrarr into your project and complie, run and test it with Test1Fram.cpp

Console UI Core classes R3.5(completed)

  • merge the bio additions to your bio.c and bio.h
  • Add all the files for mock-up classes
 1. create .h and .cpp file for all classes
 2. the name of the file is all lower case and is the same as class name (i.e CFrame class: cframe.h and cframe.cpp)
 3. copy the class definitions into .h files
 4. create mock-up methods for the class defs

void bio_displayflag

  • code a function that allows the user to display a checkbox at a particular set of coordinates onscreen
  • Romero C.A. Silva
  • status

void bio_flag

  • code a function that stores a value true or false based on a user's selection
  • Guo Ying Li
  • status

void bio_displayMenuItem

  • code a function that allows the user to display a menu item at a particular set of coordinates onscreen, having a length of their choosing
  • Natesh Mayuranathan

int bio_menuItem

  • code a function that allows the user to make a single item selection
  • Enkyung Shim


  • latest will be on top

topic, date
