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Simple Recording with Audacity

236 bytes added, 20:11, 24 June 2011
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:Since there may be several input devices connected to the computer system, never assume that the recording input device is the WebCam. We need to check and if possible, change the sound settings on the computer system to select the WebCam as the audio recording device. We can select the input device from the It is recommended for this simple type of audio recording using Audacity application, but we can also to set the default input device from the operating systemcomputer's "Sound Preferences". Below is the procedure to select the default input device for operating system under "Sound Preferences":
:Go to the '''main menu''' and select: '''PREFERENCES''' -> '''SOUND'''
:In the "Sound Preferences" dialog box, click the Input tab, and select LifeCam Cinema Analog Mono by pointing and clicking on the radio button. Refer to diagram on the right to confirm. When finished, click the CLOSE button.
====Launching Audacity====
To launch the Audacity application, simply click on the '''Main Menu''', then select '''SOUND & VIDEO''' -> '''AUDIO''' -> '''AUDACITY'''. It may take several moments for the application to properly launch.
====Main Elements of the Audacity Application====