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Using the Wireless Keyboard

856 bytes added, 12:59, 24 June 2011
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This WIKI explains how to use the wireless keyboard in the computer lab. The wireless keyboard will provide the instructor flexibility to move around the classroom, without being constrained by cords...
Why The wireless keyboard is it Important to Follow Policies and Procedures?designed for instructor use only while they are logged into the computer server (viewing the screen via the data display unit)... 
===YouTube Video===
Below are the instructions on how to use the computer lab's wireless keyboard:
====Power-up Wireless Keyboard====
The wireless keyboard is battery-operated and is powered-off during non-use to save on batteries.
During the computer lab startup sequence the wireless keyboard is powered-on by sliding the power button (located on the top right-hand-corner of the keyboard) to the right. If the wireless keyboard was powered-up correctly, a green light will indicate that the unit is working.
'''WARNING: Sometimes confusion occurs when the user moves the touch-pad, bu there is no movement of the mouse pointer on the screen. It is recommended to first press a key (such as SHIFT), then move the touch-pad, and you will immediately notice movement. Use this same procedure in case of several minutes of keyboard inactivity...'''