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Using the Wireless Keyboard

1 byte added, 12:53, 24 June 2011
no edit summary
== Purpose ==
This WIKI explains how to use the wireless keyboard in the computer lab. The wireless keyboard will provide the instructor flexibility to move around the classroom, without being constrained by cords...
Why is it Important to Follow Policies and Procedures?
Purpose===YouTube Video===
This WIKI explains how to use the wireless keyboard in the computer lab. The wireless keyboard will provide the instructor flexibility to move around the classroom, without being constrained by cords...
Why is it Important to Follow Policies and Procedures? YouTube Video
If you want to see the visual steps for "Why Follow Lab Policies and Procedures?",
here is a link to a customized YouTube video: []
Written Instructions
Below are the written reasons and methods to promote adherance to policies and procedures:===Written Instructions===
Why Below are Lab Policies and Procedures Important?the instructions on how to use the computer lab's wireless keyboard: