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630 bytes added, 13:19, 13 August 2010
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[[Category:Summer 2010 August]]
===Week 1===
Monday August 2
* Holiday
Tuesday August 3
Wednesday August 4
*Finished tickets:
#[ PShapeSVG::parsePath]
*Conference call with Global Lives and popcorn
===Week 2===
Monday August 9
==June== * ===Week 1===Tuesday August 10 *Fixed failed review of PShapeSVG:: parsePath Wednesday August 11 *Fixed failed review of PShapeSVG:: parsePath * popcorn conference callThursday August 12 *Fixed failed review of PShapeSVG:: parsePath, review finally passed *Started thumbnail demoFriday August 13 *Fixed failed review of PShapeSVG::parseMatrix