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Add an Infobar style warning for window resize/move

343 bytes added, 20:26, 30 November 2008
Project Details
* Adding a new preference window / DTD file for the preferences window:
** Modified two jar.nm files, one for xul and one for dtd. The new preferences window is called resizeWindow.xul
** It contains an area to add sites that would bypass the "resizing" block. Not implemented yet. Probably won't be for 0.3
** I need a way to add this to advanced-javascript without it looking weird. Any ideas would be nice, on where to add it =)
* Added a preference to disable the infobar.
* Added a new option upon infobar displayed to disable the infobar
* Removed broadcasters for menu items, added oncommand directly to the menuitems themselves
* Removed a ton of code from browser.js that was really just extra uneeded and bulky code. Wow!
'''11/29/2008''' -
* Altered removeCurrentNotification() to removeNotification(notification) where notification = a notification returned by value. <br />This is to prevent any possibilities of removing the wrong notification.