Setting up last mac
<td>T1045H - cubicle E</td>
<td>need to set 1) Xcode installed 2)admin passwordset, needs XCode and libraries installed - download 3)Installing Fink from here (http://www.finkproject.org<br /download/srcdist.php) for Leopard version, follow directions to unpack, then /sw/bin/pathsetup.sh to set up the path to fink >LEFT TO DO - then fink install orbit orbit-dev and sudo apt-get glib</td>
* [http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html PuTTY] on WinXP/Vista
* Current version of FF2 and TB
=== Mac installed software ===
* Xcode3.0
* fink - download Fink from here (http://www.finkproject.org/download/srcdist.php) for Leopard version, follow directions to unpack, then /sw/bin/pathsetup.sh to set up the path to fink
* fink install orbit orbit-dev
* sudo apt-get glib
= Security =