Language in the Future of Computing
Web Sites Reviewed
Thesis Statement
"Natural language processing will shape the way humans and computers interact in the future."
In progress
The dominant methods of human computer interaction place several constraints in their communication producing undesired effects such as errors, and incorrect output. Natural language processing technology, as it is bettered, can rectify these problems.
natural language processing, sentiment analysis, talking to robots, voice recognition, grammar, linguistics, sentence parsing, vocabulary, homonyms, multiple languages, machine learning, human-computing interaction, chat-bots, Google search, IBM Watson, Apple Siri, Semantics, Text Mining
Grand, Steven: The Creation
Pinker, Steven: The Language Instinct
Pinker, Steven: Words, Rules and their Meanings
Web Sites
Research Notes
Projects Proposals
1) Natural Language Processing
- There are several smaller ideas we could work on within this large topic such as:
- Its implementation in chat-bots?
- Sentiment analysis - data mining for financial analysis, for disease or war prevention -
- Watson - More complicated topic, not sure what thesis we could have here? Word sense disambiguation? More research needed.
- Part of speech tagging - Used on several websites in searching, tagging, merging threads or discussions :
2) Kinect/Move interaction?
- Human computer interaction in video games?
- And other areas?
- Head-tracking? Gestures? More research needed.
3) Usability of Social Media Tools
- How do organizations structure their tools to promote and increase user engagement
- Psychological effects of Social Media and its pull on users