Project Name
Project Description
The BuildAPI project consists of generating analytic reports which can be used for a multitude of purposes such as performance and usage tests or discovering rogue buildbot slave machines. Moreover, it will require querying a database for the information on the BuildBot jobs, which will then be used to generate the necessary reports.
Initial contacts: Armenzg
Project Leader(s)
Project Contributor(s)
Project Details
- Objective: To analyze and create reports from BuildBot data for multiple purposes. These reports will generated from querying buildbot databases to get the necessary information about jobs.
- It will be used for purposes such as:
- identifying critical machines that should not be processing jobs
- discovering rogue slaves
- Generating reports on performance, usage, build times, downtime, and more
- This project uses Pylons framework:
- Pylons combines the very best ideas from the worlds of Ruby, Python and Perl, providing a structured but extremely flexible Python web framework.
- We will need a snapshot of the database to test our work. For examples of the "statusdb" see:
- We will be generating different graphs from:
- Armen suggested that one student works on the first graph, and the other works on the second graph
- We will also be working on the documentation
Project Plan
Goals for each release:
- 0.1 -- to be updated on October 15th, 2010
- 0.2
- 0.3
Project News
- October 22nd, 2010
- New schedulerdb snapshot available.
- October 14, 2010:
- Meeting of previously named "ScriptFactory" broke into three seperate projects: Mozharness, BuildAPI and Release Simple Bugs -Mustafa
- We will follow up with Armen on details of the Release Simple Bugs project and more on BuildAPI
- Wednesday October 13, 2010:
- The ScriptFactory group met today with Armen and Ctyler in a conference call
- We will separate into two groups and tackle Mozharness, BuildAPI or Release Simple Bugs
- Andrew Singh:
- Jing Yang:
- Armen Zambrano Gasparnian:
- Planet CDOT:
- BuildBot Architecture:
- Database Snapshots: and