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Revision as of 16:56, 8 September 2010 by Mike.martin (talk | contribs)

Welcome to OPS235 - Introduction to Open System Servers

In this course, you will move from being a Linux user to being a Linux system administrator.

Weekly Schedule

Weekly topic, lab, and assignment information is available on the Fall 2010 OPS235 Weekly Schedule page.

Supplies Checklist

Needed by the second class:

  1. Fedora 13 Live CD (x86_64). You can burn this from ISO image on a CD or a DVD using the Freedom Toaster (in the Open Lab) -- however, this machine has problems with come types of DVDs. The image is also available from:
  2. SATA Hard disk in removable drive tray (at least 160GB). Please buy the tray from ACS or the bookstore as not all trays are compatible.
  3. USB flash drive (64MB or more - 2GB or larger recommended. Warning: anything on this flash drive will be erased!)
  4. Lab log book (PDF). Please note that you can use your log book during the quizzes, written tests, practical tests and the final exam. It's also the record that you have completed the labs, so don't lose it!

Needed for week 2:

  1. Fedora 13 installation DVD (x86_64) You can burn this from ISO image on the Freedom Toaster (in the Open Lab) -- however, this machine has problems with come types of DVDs. The image is also available from:
Bring all of these supplies to each class.
Even after installation, the Live CD, Installation DVD, and flash drive may be required.
Do not share your OPS235 disk drive with another course.
The work you do in this course will render your other work inaccessible and may erase it.
You do not need to purchase a textbook for this course.
We will be using online resources instead.

However, if you are the type who likes a good book, try the Fedora Linux Toolbox.


During the Fall 2010 semester, OPS235 is taught by:

Course Information


Tips and suggestions:

  • Always shut down your system under software control, rather than using the reset or power buttons. You can shutdown using the GUI or with the poweroff, reboot, init, or shutdown commands. Shut down your virtual machines before shutting down your main system.
  • If you get a message about the gnome-power-manager configuration at the login screen, you may have run out of disk space. Take a look at the available space (with df -h). If the / filesystem is full, delete some files (such as unused VM images in /var/lib/libvirt/images) and then reboot the system.
  • Fedora 13 Slowdowns: If your system is becoming very slow from time to time, it is probably due to a known issue with the Intel video driver, kernel, NICs, storage system, and hardware detection software (!). See Bug 523646 on the Fedora Bugzilla system. A fix for this problem is apparently in the works -- update your system regularly so that you get the fix as soon as it is available.
    • Workaround: Type this command as root (be patient, it will take a minute or two for the system to return to normal speed): killall hald devkit-disks-daemon

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