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Talk:Refinish Front Doors

Revision as of 13:13, 28 August 2010 by Msaul (talk | contribs)

Tuesday August 10th, 2010

Here is e-mail that I sent to Sandra regarding interesting benefits associated with this project...

Hi Sandra,

This evening I started to sand the church doors. It will be a slow process, but it will get done. When I stopped sanding the doors and was removing rust off the iron railing, a man in a backpack stopped and mentioned how nice the church was, he was taking pictures of the church in the morning and was going to come back to take some more in the evening light... I said, "the doors will be finished when you come back..."  ;)

It is nice sometimes to focus on the little things that help out the church...


Friday August 27th, 2010

Working on this project has been an exercise in faith. I started out doing this project by myself, not knowing when it would be completed. Instead of panicking, I just had faith it would work out. I guess the reason for taking on this project by myself was two-fold:

  1. To improve appearance of church (i.e. doors are the "window to the soul" and the "first impression).
  2. To give a sense of Westmininster's renewal at the start of the year and encourage participation.

Now that I finally see the project gaining momentum, I see my faith was truly rewarded!

Saturday August 28th, 2010

Wow, first door urethaned. I feel as if I could cry for joy! (I feel a major milestone has been achieved). Showed various church members that were present for running club or clothing sale...

Encouraged with look of urethaned door, decided to return to church at 12:30 pm to take a picture and post to WIKI...


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