Revision as of 16:39, 15 April 2010 by Anna.sobiepanek (talk | contribs)
Meeting Apr. 1, 2010
Proposed Agenda
Reminder: record meeting audio and take minutes
- 0.9 Update/Status Check
- noiseSeed()and 3D PerilinNoise()
Andor: working on hint(), fininshed rect()3D but having issues with transparency in Mindfield. Screen stuff is buggy but will push it in to see if peer-reviewer can shed some light on the bug.
We need to look over our 3D roadmap to ensure nothing in 3D is left out
Mickael: endShape() vertex() endShape() needs a color gradient and normals that might not land in 0.9 But a new bug will be filed if thats the case. Triangle and quad 3d should work but needs testing. PGraphic will need to be pushed 1.0
Daniel: convert PImage pixel array to use ImageData object will most likely go into 0.9 but a lot of stuff needs to be rewritten. Scot has to fix a parser bug before this can be done.