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Revision as of 16:13, 22 February 2010 by Anna.sobiepanek (talk | contribs) (Minutes)
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Meeting Feb 18, 2010


  • David Humphrey (I have to go home sooner than I planned, sorry to miss it)


  • Sephr

Proposed Agenda

  • New Project Members
  • 0.6 Update / Status Check
  • story board for front page zenit wiki demo
  • openGrok
  • smooth() noSmooth()
  • Andor 3D update from last week
  • tinylog
  • GitHub tutorials


  • no new project members present
  • 0.5 is out. It can be downloaded from Everything has been pushed to the jeresig repo.
  • Status Check: Andor: finished model and screen functions just needs to test. Debugging fill but has not looked into stroke yet. Daniel: had trouble getting loadImage() to work. He will finish loadImage(), blend, copy. Filter will need to be pushed to 0.7. Michael: working on endCamera() and beginCamera(). He hasn't started applyMatrix() but is confident it will be in by Mon. He will also look into doing PGraphic for 0.7. Anna: sphere() and sphereDetail() is done, has to look into regExp, and curveDetail().
  • We need a processing.js demo on the front page of zenit wiki. Also, a link to the project needs to be added. Since everyone is busy coding, its best that we do a storyboard of how the demo will look. Storyboard is kind of like a comic book illustrating all of the scenes and animations. Corban suggested everyone make one demo that way we can cycle through each one. Things to consider facebook app, Photoshop.js. Anna will look into an online tool that will help in creating a storyboard.
  • smooth() and noSmooth() change CSS properties that only work on raster images. Sephr said that the way processing.js is set up it is not possible to get noSmooth() to work. It basically will lower performance. Sephr will update the lighthouse ticket.
  • Sephr is proposing that we port tinylog into processing.js. Tinylog will give us a better way of debugging code.
  • Andor has spoken to Mark Steal who suggested we use the build in Mac profiler. Andor will play around with it and get back to us.
  • Both Corban and Daniel will work on putting together GitHub tutorials that will cover the functionality needed to merge, fetch, and commit to the branch. These tutorial will be specific to the processing.js development team.