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Winter 2010 Open Source Students

Revision as of 14:23, 29 January 2010 by Sdowne (talk | contribs)

Please add a link to your personal wiki page and project (once you've chosen it) here:



Name IRC Nick(s) Project(s)
Example Student esample TBD
Konstantin Novichikhin knovichikhin TBD
Scott Downe scottdowne Scott Downe project
Jeffrey Lee jjlee16 TBD
Gustone Lewis galewis TBD
Harjinder Virdi Harjinder TBD
Zhibin Huang zbhuang1 TBD
Derek Ambrose Derek.ambrose TBD
Anthony Alves
Crystal de Nobrega cldenobrega TBD
Jianming Chen Jimmy.C TBD