Welcome to the Seneca How-To page. You'll find How-To's for all things Open Source related.
Adding a how-to
To add a how-to to this page add a heading under the correct category OR create a category if one doesn't exist. There are currently no formatting or style rules. The suggestion is to be clean and well laid out. Look over the current how-to's to get a feel on how your tutorial should be laid out. Thank you for the contribution.
Creating a Wiki page
Here are two ways to create a wiki page:
Option A
Option B
Step 1
Step 1
Enter a title of a page into the search box on the left side and click on go.
On some page choose the edit option.
Step 2
Step 2
A new page appears saying that the page could not be found. Click on create this page.
Create a link to the page you want to created. Ex.
[[test_page | test]]
Step 3
Step 3
Enter anything into the text box and press save.
Click on the Show Preview button. The link now appears in red. This indicates that the page the link is pointing to does not exist.
Step 4
Click on the red link. A page appears with 'You've followed a link to a page that doesn't exist yet'.
Step 5
Enter anything into the text box and press save.
A new page has been created.
To create a page in a sub-directory. Change the link too testing/test_page.
A requirement for all test is to make sure that Firefox is compiled with tests enabled.
Modify the .mozconfig file to include ac_add_options --enable-tests
Build Firefox from source.