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Teams Winter 2011/team1/Android/Edit Contact

Revision as of 11:57, 7 April 2011 by Ladanzahir (talk | contribs) (8. Edit Contact)

8. Edit Contact

8.1 Create Edit Layout
8.1.1 Add the String value for the layout title to String.xml:
<source lag="Java"> <string name="editContact_textView">Edit Contact</string>

8.1.1 Right click on layout -> New -> Android XML File .
8.1.2 Enter edit.xml for the file name and check Layout:
8.1.3 Using Linear Layout, create this layout for editing contact information.
8.1.4 Here is the edit.xml implementation:

8.2 Create EditContactActivity
8.3 Add the EditContactActivity to the Android Manifest
8.4 Implement The EditContact in the main activity class
8.5 Edit Contact In action