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Murray Saul

Revision as of 15:00, 24 March 2011 by Msaul (talk | contribs)
Just Murray Saul staring into his netbook computer at work, looking rather silly... and waiting to exhale..

Instructor's WIKI

What's on Murray's Mind

  • Just trying to show Sandra and Debbie what they will be doing next week...
  • I'm really excited about teaching this course to Sandra and Debbie:
  • They seem like a couple of excited students - and that makes it all the more fun!!! :)

Just testing to see if I can upload other file types to the wiki:


Jot Notes

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Need to Organise Lesson:

  • Backward Linkage (WIKI Basics)
  • Creating Internal and External Links
  • Copying and Pasting Content
  • Keeping in Touch: Watch-lists
  • Posting Images and Files to WIKI
  • Project: Sandra and Debbie work on CE Mind-Mapping project


Lesson 1: Wednesday March 2, 2011

Lesson 2: Friday March 4, 2011

Lesson 3: Wednesday March 9, 2011


WIKI Tutorials

My Copy Example

Lesson 1: Wednesday March 2, 2011

Using MindMaps:

Purpose Using Freemind (Mind-mapping Application): Using Freemind and Requesting Software


Purpose: [ WIKIs in Plain English - YouTube Video ] Implications for WIKIs at Westminster United Church
