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Revision as of 18:11, 9 April 2009 by Shelleyshi (talk | contribs) (Contributions)
Xia Jun Shi
Occupation Software Developer
Expected Graduation Dec 2009

About Me

Name: Shelley Shi
Program: Computer Programming and Analysis(CPA - 5 Semester)
Little about me: Hello! My name is Shelley Shi. Welcome to my Wiki web page.



Installing Tools


  • Figured out that we should set the arguments on the box to fix the bug by posting the question on the newsgroup
  • Figured out the packages, classes and methods related to the bug
  • Provided the possible solutions of the bug
  • Made closed changes in the related source code
  • Made the Tests of the bug and posted my tests on the Bugzilla
  • Made some comments on the blogs of my classmates to encourage with each other


  • Jordan Anastasiade

Project Contributors

  • Larry Isaacs -- answered me all the questions on the newsgroup and directed me to investigate the bug
  • Le Yang -- provided the solution to fix the bug
  • Davoud Salahi Rad -- helped me to deal with lots of technical problems
  • Khanh Vu -- provided the help about the technical problems


  • Release 0.1

1. WTP - Bug 240698 Normal - P3
Reproduce Bug 240698 and blog on
2. WTP - Bug 137822 Normal - P3
Reproduce Bug 137822 and blog on

  • Release 0.2

1. Checked out the related packages
2. Figured out the differences by using "Open Configurations Links" and "Run->Run Configurations->New"

  • Release 0.3

1. Provided the possible solutions of the bug
2. Posted my possible solutions and stack trace on the Bugzilla
3. Made some changes in the related class and got the arguments in wrong way
4. Made the Tests of the bug according to Le's solution and posted them on the Bugzilla


  • Week1

Created the wiki web account
Got used with wiki
Added the name link in the Winter 2009 Opened Source Students and People List in the Wiki page

  • Week2

Created the account on
Downloaded the WTP and Plug-infrom eclipse web site Got the platform ready

  • Week3

Created an account in the Eclipse Bugzilla

  • Week4

Select WTP - Bug Bug 240698
Reproduce the Bug 240698
Blog it on the
Change to another WTP - Bug Bug 137822
Reproduce the Bug 137822
Blog it on the

  • Week5

Took a look the package from CVS
Checked out some related Package:


Set some breakpoints on the class Server, and began to debug the code
Got some possible code to throw the exception

  • Week7

Posted my first question on the newsgroup
Got the feedback form Larry Isaacs on the newsgroup
Figured out why the bug happens and what should do to fix it from Larry Isaacs's answer

  • Week8

Reproduced the bug and emphasized the differences by using "Open Configuration Links" and "Run-Run Configurations->New"
Blog my new findings on the blog

  • Week9

Got two stack traces for exception and regular way to get the execution path
Posted them on the my blog

  • Week10

Provided some possible solutions
Posted my solutions on the Bugzilla and tried to get the help from IBM

  • Week11

Posted my questions on the newgroups and got the help from Larry Isaacs again
Made some code changes in the org.eclipse.server.ui.ServerLaunchConfiguration

}catch(Exception ex){}

Posted some possible code changes on my blog
Recieved the email from Le who told me the bug is fixed and the solution is posed on his blog
Made the test on the platform and double checked that Le's solution works fine
Posted the test result on the Bugzilla according to the suggestion of Peter and Jordan
Provided some findings about the server and blog them on my blog according to Peter Liu's suggestion