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BTP300 Project Requirements 20113

Revision as of 23:34, 4 October 2011 by Chris Szalwinski (talk | contribs) (Stage 2)

Due Dates

Assignment 1 - Line Editing Facility September 23
Assignment 2 - Field Classes October 28
Assignment 3 - More Field Classes November 18
Assignment 4 - Application December 9

The official due dates are in Moodle. If there are any discrepancies, the due dates in Moodle shall apply.

Project Requirements

Each game is a team effort. The structure of each team is up to the team members. Each member must contribute their own work in a selected area or areas of their choosing.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Before starting the coding for stage 2, please do the following:

  1. Read Hints for Using SVN to collaborate on school projects
  2. Update your team's wiki page with your team's repository path information under Repo Path
  3. Add assignment 1 to your team's repository
    1. Checkout your team's empty repository to a new directory on a local computer
    2. Create the branches, tags, and trunk subdirectories
    3. Under branches create a subdirectory for each team member
    4. Under the team leader's branch create a new subdirectory named assignment_1
    5. Move up to the head of the repository directory and add this directory structure by right clicking on ...SVN/Add
    6. Commit the directory structure to the server by right clicking on SVN Commit. Add the comment "Created Directory Structure"
    7. Add assignment 1 to the branches sub-directory, compile it, and run it. If the assignment runs successfully add it and commit it to the repository
    8. Branch the committed assignment to trunk
    9. Your team members can now start their own work

Stage 3

Stage 4