Tinderbox front page improvements
Project Name
Tinderbox front page improvements
Project Description
Tinderbox is a web app showing the results of multiple machines building Firefox, running unit tests on it, and running performance tests on it, all on three different platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac). The display is very crowded right now, and can be difficult to read. In addition, some of the interesting information (changes in performance, for example) are hard to notice. The tinderbox server software recently was updated to include JSON output, which means that webpages can now easily access the data to build their own displays. Using this data, create a new display for the Tinderbox data that helps developers monitor the status of the builds and performance data.
- Tinderbox JSON data
- An example page using the data
- Another example page using the data. (Requires a recent Firefox 3 build)
Project Leader(s)
Project Contributor(s)
Project Details
Provides more depth than the Project Description. This is the place for technical discussions, project specs, or other details. If this gets very long, you might consider breaking this part into multiple pages and linking to them.
Project News
September 17 2007
- Project taken by Dominic Baranski (dominic)