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< User:Anna.sobiepanek
Revision as of 14:12, 1 June 2010 by Anna.sobiepanek (talk | contribs) (May)

Summer 2010 Worklog JS Projects 2010


Week 1

Monday May 3

  • Orientation
  • Set up Mac Desktop

Tuesday May 4

  • Wrote blog about sketchpad
  • Worked on a processing-js demo viewer
  • Reviewed Andor's 556 bug

Wednesday May 5

  • Attended teleconference
  • Re-Reviewed Andor's 556 bug
  • Sent email about the OCE Discovery

Thursday May 6

  • Completed example fix bug
  • installed git on mac... but got stuck with IT support so send out email to IT

Friday May 7

  • Meeting about OCE presentation
  • Continued and fixed IT port issue

Week 2

Monday May 10

  • Reviewed parser bug
  • Meeting with Dawn, Dave, and Jeff about OCE
  • Triaged milestones and tickets
  • Met with Andor, Mickael, and Dan about OCE presentation script
  • Conference call about Video with Brett and Mark

Tuesday May 11

  • Updated changelog
  • Updated blog and download page on in order to release v0.9
  • Updated nick on the Video XML Grammar we need
  • Sent out IT email
  • Tested processing v0.9 on the Mac 10.6 OS

Wednesday May 12

  • Assigned tickets for 0.9.3 1.0 1.1
  • Spoke to IT about iMac port issue
  • Set up work email
  • got audio build going on my Vista
  • Worked with Michael to figure out video for OCE presentation

Thursday May 13

  • meeting with IT person
  • set up Audio Build on iMac and Blog
  • set up GitHub on iMac and Blog
  • set up Audio/Touch build on HP tablet
  • Call about OCE

Friday May 14

  • looked up demos for OCE Digital Booth
  • converted P5 demos to P-js
  • dry run of OCE Discovery set up
  • prepared signs

Week 3

Monday May 17

  • set up my iMac with Demos for Digital Booth
  • set up HP tablet to display with monitor
  • attended OCE

Monday May 18

  • got Audio12 build on iMac to run
  • attended OCE

Wednesday May 19

  • day off

Thursday May 20

  • Fixed Documentation bugs:
  1. Reference Page
  2. Reference Page
  3. Reference Page
  4. Reference Page
  5. Reference Page
  • Testing 0.9.1 Release on Vista and Mac 10.6
  • Worked on Release; blog, CHANGELOG, download page, tweet

Friday May 21

  • Attempted to fix Website URL Bug, talked to Corban and F1LT3R. Two solutions emailed Resig to get more site admin info
  • Call about Video with Dave and Scott
  • Set up a video repo in GitHub
  • Contacted nicklovesjs to give him info on how to get his examples into the repo/lighthouse
  • Started bezier 3D, bezierDetail, and bezierVertex3D from scratch cuz lots of merge errors

Week 4

Monday May 24


Tuesday May 25

  • meeting with Dave
  • updated conference # on Processing zenit wiki

Wednesday May 25

  • fixed git publicKey on Mac 0S
  • set up proper editor on Mac
  • coded PShape
  • coded shapeMode

Thursday May 25

  • coded shape()
  • need loadShape to get PShape and shape()
  • looked into XML/ svg parser

Friday May 26

  • coding PShapeSVG, XML Element and Attribute

Week 4

Monday May 31

  • Met with Dan and Scott about Video
  • meeting with Dave
  • removed 0.9.4 and added all tickets to 0.9.3
  • talked to nicklovescode about his coming to TO
  • email back&forth about video hack week with Brett and Mark

Tuesday June 1

  • triaged tickets that have no milestone
  • worked on XMLElement recursive child function