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== Misc ==
== Misc ==
== Contributions ==
(Patrick Lam) - Provide your build time from scratch and rebuilt of FireFox. -- provided
(Jason Tarka) - Details, screenshots, or HTML, of different web authentication pages -- did the first attempt to help with that by email...

Revision as of 16:07, 9 October 2008

About Me

My name is Irina (it's a popular Russian name), I'm a BSD student, 5th semester.


Mozilla Build Lab

Thunderbird Bug Fix Lab


felis java felis


Bugzilla Unit Tests Using Test::More



(Patrick Lam) - Provide your build time from scratch and rebuilt of FireFox. -- provided

(Jason Tarka) - Details, screenshots, or HTML, of different web authentication pages -- did the first attempt to help with that by email...