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Kolourpaint (Simple Graphic Editor)

46 bytes removed, 13:35, 20 June 2011
no edit summary
=== YouTube Video ===
: '''If you want to see the visual steps to "Grabbing Student Work", here is a link to a customized YouTube video:''' []
=== Written Instructions ===
:'''Below are the written instructions (in case you prefer to have a printout of these procedures):'''
===Using KolourPaint Application===
====Launching KolourPaint====
To be completed...
====Elements of KolourPaint Application====
To be completed ...
====Drawing with KolourPaint====
=====Select tools==Becoming Familiar with Tools===
To be completed ...
=====Choose foreground, background colour=====
=====Draw line (various line widths, shift drag works same as in MS Paint)=====
To be completed ...
To be completed ...
=====Draw (Pencil)=====
To be completed ...
=====Colour Fill (bucket)=====
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To be completed ...
=====Colour Eraser=====
To be completed ...
=====Adding Text=====
To be completed ...
=====Rectangle (also rounded rectangle)=====
To be completed ...
To be completed ...
To be completed ...
=====Connected Line=====
To be completed ...
To be completed ...