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Temp OPS235 Lab 1

114 bytes added, 10:38, 8 January 2012
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Check off the following items before asking your instructor to check your lab:
* Task 1 - Created correct partitions in /dev/sda* Task 2 - Install GNU/Linux Workstation using Fedora * Task 2 3 - Collect system information after installation.* Task 3 4 - Customize and configure boot time environment* Task 4 5 - Collect network information* Task 5 6 - Password protect Grub Bootloader
Arrange evidence for each of these items on your screen, then ask your instructor to review them and sign off on the lab's completion:
* fdisk /dev/sda, and use '''p''' command to display partitions
* Grub is password protected.
* Can login with your "learn" account name

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