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==Processing Final Presentation==
*What is Processing.js?
**a JS port of the visual media programming language P5
**PJS outputs the picture/animation/etc. to the new HTML5 canvas element
**cadre of Seneca students, joined by others through the Internet, have been working to complete the port since Fall 2009
*Where did it come from?
***An open source Java-based visual media programming language
***Developed by Ben Fry and Casey Reas at MIT as an educational tool
***Don't need to know Java, or be a programmer, do create sketches
***Has since gone on to be used in industry and spread over the Internet
***Continues to spread: Fry employed by Google to bring P5 to the Android OS for mobile devices
***P5 comes with its own development environment which can export "sketches" as a Java applet
***Applets can be embedded in websites asd usual
***A short demonstration of the PDE
***A new element in HTML5
***Used to draw images/animations/etc. directly on a webpage
***Comes with its own functions, which are accessed by JavaScript
***Smiley face example
***Canvas supported, to one degree or another, in most browsers. Coming to IE9?
***People already using it
***GitHub network chart for a more substantial example
****Anna will talk more about GitHub
*Why Processing.js?
**Makes Processing more accessible, both for developers/artists and their clients/audiences; no need for Java, no need to download and install the PDE; browsers are ubiquitous, when the online Pjs development environment is complete, it'll be possible to develop on the web for the web
***Anna will talk about work toward the online development environment
**enhances the usefulness, and encourages adoption, of open technologies like canvas
**just as P5 makes it easier to create graphics in Java, so too does Pjs make it easier to make graphics in canvas
**create new ways of creating content
***Michael will show how Pjs, by leveraging the webs ability to mesh different technologies together, is helping to enhance or create new and wonderful content
**Pjs can help provide feedback to assess and improve browser JavaScript and canvas implementations
**Reduce the need for plugins and the pitfalls they entail
**John Resig, notable JS developer better known for the jQuery library
**discovered P5 and was impressed, realized a JS library could interpret P5 code and output to canvas
**created Pjs, ported just enougn to get a gaggle of P5 examples, but had no time to pursue it
**heading up development passed to Al MacDonald (aka f1lt3r); also took an interested in Processing while looking for ways to enhance web pages
***Michael will show you some of the cool things f1lt3r's done with Pjs
**Pjs became one of Mozilla's projects they use to get students involved
**Professor David Humphrey brought the project into the open source development course, DPS909, last semester
**Work on Pjs continued into this semester with the followup course, DPS911.
**Lost a few, gained a few people
**Notable gain this year: Corban Brook. Professional web developer who's become one of our core devsand project managers
*Fruits of our labour
**in eight months, we've brought the library to an almost-release-worthy state
**still have issues with performance, and puzzling over how to port features in Java not easily replicated in JavaScript
**in the next little while we'll be showing you some of the results of that work
**Daniel will give you a taste of what's been done in the 2D realm; we've enhanced implementation started by Resig
**Andor will show you Pjs gone 3D, something that was added right here at Seneca
**Anna will show you the the nascent online Pjs development environment built upon Mozilla's Bespin project
**As one of the project leaders, she'll also give an overview of how the project has been organized
**Finally, Michael will show how Pjs is spreading across the web by sampling some of the ways its being used today
*P5 - what is it, why it was developed, who developed it
*talk about experience with PImage, having multiple opinions and ways of doing stuff
*getting to talk to originators of the processing language and meet and talk to people from mozilla and community
*demos/examples, [ color picker], [ thumbnail viewer], Andor's crayon sketch ?
*difficulties.  performance issues
*how seneca open source courses helped me realize the power of community
*PJS - what are we trying to accomplish
*Usage around the web and world, askken, iPhone/iPad, teaching
* Intro
** [ C3DL]
* Problem
** [ Processing] requires 3D support
* Approach
** Use [ WebGL], a working standard to draw 3D objects
* Problems
** Lack of a roadmap
** WebGL is still a working standard, many bugs still exist
** WebGL isn't implemented in all browsers yet
** Some discrepencies exist between browsers
** Performance issues
* Discovery
** Most 3D functionality working
* Results
**[ Pjs Web IDE]
**[ Pjs:Chem]
*Daniel: talk about experience with PImage, having multiple opinions and ways of doing stuff
*What is Bespin
*Why use Bespin
*The Future
===3D Stuff===
*Asalga: talk about initial roadmap and initial challenges of dependencies
==Managing Process==
*Previous method
- lighthouse
*Anna: show of bespin examples
- work-flow
===Managing Process===
* Git Hub
* work-flow decisions
* decision making process
* managing an Open-Source project
* difficulties
* difficulties
===Working with the Community===
==Working with the Community==
* how big the community is: who uses processing, how many people in channel
**[ PJS Community]
* irc/twitter talking to people from around the world watching the news spread
**[ Processing JS test suite]
**[ PJS on Twitter]
* working with professionals
*'''Art and Visualizations'''
**[ Bloom]
* working with people from all around the world
**[ F1LT3R's Video-Audio Stream to 3D Visualization]
**[ F1LT3R's multitouch demo]
*'''Projects spawned from PJS'''
**[ Has Canvas]
**[ Ask Ken]
*'''Games spawned from PJS'''
**[ Processing Tower Defense]
**[ MatchThemColors]
**[ Corban's Choplifter]
*'''Future of PJS'''
**[ iProcessing]
**Estimated 1.0 release:  mid - end Summer

Latest revision as of 13:51, 23 April 2010


  • Matthew
  • What is Processing.js?
    • a JS port of the visual media programming language P5
    • PJS outputs the picture/animation/etc. to the new HTML5 canvas element
    • cadre of Seneca students, joined by others through the Internet, have been working to complete the port since Fall 2009
  • Where did it come from?
    • Processing
    • Canvas
      • A new element in HTML5
      • Used to draw images/animations/etc. directly on a webpage
      • Comes with its own functions, which are accessed by JavaScript
      • Smiley face example
      • Canvas supported, to one degree or another, in most browsers. Coming to IE9?
      • People already using it
      • GitHub network chart for a more substantial example
        • Anna will talk more about GitHub
  • Why Processing.js?
    • Makes Processing more accessible, both for developers/artists and their clients/audiences; no need for Java, no need to download and install the PDE; browsers are ubiquitous, when the online Pjs development environment is complete, it'll be possible to develop on the web for the web
      • Anna will talk about work toward the online development environment
    • enhances the usefulness, and encourages adoption, of open technologies like canvas
    • just as P5 makes it easier to create graphics in Java, so too does Pjs make it easier to make graphics in canvas
    • create new ways of creating content
      • Michael will show how Pjs, by leveraging the webs ability to mesh different technologies together, is helping to enhance or create new and wonderful content
    • Pjs can help provide feedback to assess and improve browser JavaScript and canvas implementations
    • Reduce the need for plugins and the pitfalls they entail
  • History
    • John Resig, notable JS developer better known for the jQuery library
    • discovered P5 and was impressed, realized a JS library could interpret P5 code and output to canvas
    • created Pjs, ported just enougn to get a gaggle of P5 examples, but had no time to pursue it
    • heading up development passed to Al MacDonald (aka f1lt3r); also took an interested in Processing while looking for ways to enhance web pages
      • Michael will show you some of the cool things f1lt3r's done with Pjs
    • Pjs became one of Mozilla's projects they use to get students involved
    • Professor David Humphrey brought the project into the open source development course, DPS909, last semester
    • Work on Pjs continued into this semester with the followup course, DPS911.
    • Lost a few, gained a few people
    • Notable gain this year: Corban Brook. Professional web developer who's become one of our core devsand project managers
  • Fruits of our labour
    • in eight months, we've brought the library to an almost-release-worthy state
    • still have issues with performance, and puzzling over how to port features in Java not easily replicated in JavaScript
    • in the next little while we'll be showing you some of the results of that work
    • Daniel will give you a taste of what's been done in the 2D realm; we've enhanced implementation started by Resig
    • Andor will show you Pjs gone 3D, something that was added right here at Seneca
    • Anna will show you the the nascent online Pjs development environment built upon Mozilla's Bespin project
    • As one of the project leaders, she'll also give an overview of how the project has been organized
    • Finally, Michael will show how Pjs is spreading across the web by sampling some of the ways its being used today


  • Daniel
  • talk about experience with PImage, having multiple opinions and ways of doing stuff
  • getting to talk to originators of the processing language and meet and talk to people from mozilla and community
  • demos/examples, color picker, thumbnail viewer, Andor's crayon sketch ?
  • difficulties. performance issues
  • how seneca open source courses helped me realize the power of community


  • Andor
  • Intro
  • Problem
  • Approach
    • Use WebGL, a working standard to draw 3D objects
  • Problems
    • Lack of a roadmap
    • WebGL is still a working standard, many bugs still exist
    • WebGL isn't implemented in all browsers yet
    • Some discrepencies exist between browsers
    • Performance issues
  • Discovery
    • Most 3D functionality working
  • Results


  • What is Bespin
  • Why use Bespin


  • The Future

Managing Process

Working with the Community