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(OOP344 Student List for Winter of 2013)
(OOP344 Student List for Winter of 2013)
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|+ OOP344 - Winter of 2013 student list
|+ OOP344 - Winter of 2013 student list
! First Name !! Last Name !! Team Name !! Section !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !!  IRC nick !! GITHUB ID !! Blog URL
! First Name !! Last Name !! Team Name !! Section !! Seneca Id !! wiki id !!  IRC nick !! GITHUB ID !! Blog URL
|[[User:Curtis Jordan Wilson|Curtis]]||Wilson||[[Oopers]]||B||[mailto:cjwilson3@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 cjwilson3]||[[Special:Contributions/Curtis Jordan Wilson|Curtis Jordan Wilson]]||IN||Curtis37|| [http://curtis.axismp.com/|Curtis' Blog]
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|[[User:csho3|Christopher]]||Ho||[[CDroid++|CDroid++]]||A||[mailto:csho3@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 csho3]||[[Special:Contributions/csho3|csho3]]||csho3||Chhoris|| [http://csho3.wordpress.com/ Chris's Blog]
|[[User:csho3|Christopher]]||Ho||[[CDroid++|CDroid++]]||A||[mailto:csho3@learn.senecac.on.ca?subject=oop344 csho3]||[[Special:Contributions/csho3|csho3]]||csho3||Chhoris|| [http://csho3.wordpress.com/ Chris's Blog]
|[[User:Curtis Jordan Wilson|Curtis]]||Wilson||[[Oopers]]||B||[mailto:cjwilson3@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 cjwilson3]||[[Special:Contributions/Curtis Jordan Wilson|Curtis Jordan Wilson]]||SL37||Curtis37||[http://curtis.axismp.com/|Curtis' Blog]

Revision as of 17:14, 1 February 2013

OOP344 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Teams | Project | Student Resources

OOP344 Student List for Winter of 2013

Make sure you have the following done before you add your name here:

Please add your information to the student list table below by adding the following to the end of table code (if you are a student in oop344, Fall of 2012).

|[[User:WUN|FN]]||LN||[[TPN|TN]]||SEC||[mailto:UserId@myseneca.ca?subject=oop344 LID]||[[Special:Contributions/WUN|WUN]]||IN||GH|| [BURL|BN]

Replace the following with your own information when adding the row to the table:

  • WUN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • TPN: Your Team Page Name on wiki (leave blank if you don't have team page yet)
  • TN: Your Team name
  • SEC: Your OOP344 Section (example: A, B or C)
  • LID: Your seneca email ID (learn id)
  • IN: Your IRC Registered Nickname
  • GH: Your GitHub ID
  • BURL: Your Blog URL
  • BN: Your Blog Title

Do Not add your row unless you have all the above information.

If your information is not added to the following line, your work and assignments will not be marked.

OOP344 - Winter of 2013 student list
First Name Last Name Team Name Section Seneca Id wiki id IRC nick GITHUB ID Blog URL
Daniel Dvorkin Workaholics A dvorkin212 Daniel Leal Dvorkin dvorkin212 dldvorkin Daniel Dvorkin's Blog
Peter Huang Oopers B phuang19 Peter Huang phuang peter-huang Peter Huang's Blog
Chen Zang NIU B czang1 czang1 Johnson czang1 Chen's Blog
Jagpal Sidhu N/A B jsidhu13 Jagpal Sidhu jsidhu13 jsidhu13 OOP344
Hong Lei N/A B hjlei Hong Ji Lei clearcutcode hongji Clear Cut Coding
Hua Zhong N/A B hzhong10 Hua Zhong hzhong10 hzhong10 hzhong10
Haiyu Qiao iCODE B hqiao3 Haiyu Qiao CallaQ haiyuqiao C++ Island
Chun Chen iCODE B cchen116 Chun Chen Garycc Garycc GaryC's blog
Yue Heng(Brian) Wong iCODE B yhwong6 Yue Heng Wong byhwong yhwong Brian's blog
Jie Ming(Jay) Feng iCODE B jmfeng1 Jie Ming Feng jayfeng jayfeng Blue Jay C++
Jungmin Ji Microhard A jjungmin Ji Jungmin MistySnake jijungmin90 Hit!
Hanho Ko Microhard A hko5 Hko5 hko5 mynameishano I LOVE C & C++
Sivathanushan Easwaran Microhard A seaswaran Sivathanushan Easwaran LineCircle sivae OOP344class
Benjamin Snively Team A B bssnively Benjamin Snively UltraVioletLabel UltraVioletLabel The Art Of Goto
Ken Zhou Team A B fjzhou Fen Jian Zhou noobiedev noobiedev www.noobiedev.com
Lucas McIntosh Team A B lhmcintosh Lucas Hugh Mcintosh Zardvark Zardvark Lucas' Chronic Misadventures in Technology
Omkar Parmar CDroid++ A onparmar onparmar onparmar onparmar

C++ OOP Programming

Mohammed Al Zubair CDroid++ A malzubair malzubair moalzubair malzubair Mohammed OOP344
Mohammad-Reza Akbari CDroid++ B makbari11 Mohammad-Reza Akbari reza-oop344 reza-oop344 OOP344
Nick Kemp A nrkemp Nicholas Robert Kemp nrkemp nrkemper Nick's Blog
Peter Veri [[|]] A paveri Peter Anthony Veri peter_veri peter-veri Peter's Bog
Bo Li Nevi B bli64 Bo Li Kelan Nelain Meta-OOP344
Ran Li Nevi B rli64 Ran Li ranli RanLii 22yue6
Xinggui Deng See Plus Plus A xdeng7 Xinggui Deng xgd GaryDeng Deng's Blog
Phillip Hagan Google Chrome-osomes A phagan Phillip Hagan phil93 phagan Phillip's Blog
Shay Trotsky Oopers B strotsky Shay Trotsky strotsky strotsky OOP344 Rules
Eric Hong Workaholics A ejhong4 Eric Jackie Hong Thecire Dcire Eric's Blog
Ramon Cruz See Plus Plus B rbcruz Ramon Ben Christoffer Cruz ramonCC chrisRC Ramon's Code Blog
Shane Narciso N/A B sanarciso Shane Alexander Narciso shane22 Shane22 Shane has a blog
Koghulan Namasivayam OOP344geeks B knamasivayam1 Koghulan Namasivayam koghulan_ koghu koghu
Zhenyang Chen Nevi B zchen91 Zhenyang Chen crans crans Leash
Xin Li NIU A xli206 Xin Li Xin12 steven5736 Xin's Blog
Gwendolyn Damaren Google Chrome-osomes A gedamaren Gwendolyn Elaine Damaren gedamaren gedamaren Gwendolyn's C++ Blog
Jayakumar Govinthasamy Google Chrome-osomes A jgovinthasamy Jayakumar Govinthasamy jayzeuz jgovinthasamy Jayakumar's Blog
Kevin Persaud Pineapple B kpersaud16 Kevin Persaud gsoul persaud Kevin's Blog
Kirill Chizhikov N/A A Kchizhikov1 Kirill Chizhikov Rokk2rock Rokk2rock ASAP C++
Justin Grice Pineapple B jgrice Justin Grice JGrice JGrice Justin's Blog
Glaser King San Lo Pineapple B gklo Glaser King San Lo gklo gklo Glaser's Pool
Nathan Mohammed Anonymous A nsmohammed2 Nathan Shane Mohammed nsmohammed nsmohammed Nate's Blog
Paul Roger Intal Google Chrome-osomes A printal Paul Roger Balbas Intal printal printal PaGer is Object Oriented
Matthew Torrance A mstorrance Matthew Scott Torrance mstorrance MatthewTorrance

C++ Blog

Pankaj Sama OOP344geeks B psama Pankaj Sama pankaj pankajsama01 OOP344- The actual way of learning programming
Divya Sharma OOP344geeks B dsharma37 Divya Sharma divya divya5 Divya's blog for OOP344
Vivek Patel OOP344geeks B vrpatel13 Vivek Patel vivek vivek5255 OOP344vrp
Mark Hom Oopers B mahom Mark Hom mahom mahom21 OOP344 bLoG
Andre Mendes See Plus Plus B amendes Andre Mendes amendes andrehsmendes Object Oriented Programming
Chenming Xu Nevi B cxu38 cxu38 cxu38 cxu38 oop344_seneca
Wei Wang NIU A wwang125 Wei Wang weiwang wangwei2009727 Wei's blog
Hao Nguyen Workaholics A hgnguyen1 Hao Gia Nguyen Haoster Haoster Hao's blog
Zhijian Zhou [[|]] B zzhou33 Zhijian Zhou zzhou33 Gianzhou Zhijian's blog
Zach Howard Workaholics A zdhoward Zach Howard zdhoward zdhoward Zach's blog
Erik Dokic See Plus Plus B edokic Erik Dokic edokic edokic OOP344 by ED
Christopher Ho CDroid++ A csho3 csho3 csho3 Chhoris Chris's Blog
Curtis Wilson Oopers B cjwilson3 Curtis Jordan Wilson SL37 Curtis37 Curtis' Blog]