Team A
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Team A
[hide]Team Members
- Suventhan KrishnamoorthyLevel design, object movement
- Aayush DhamalaLevel design, object movement
- Nan Zhou (Team Leader)Level design,model design
- Nikita Kuznetsov (Team Advisor)Collision & Lightning
Group work: 75% Individual work: 25% + ---------------------- Total 100%
Repo ID
Trunk Status
committed by [NAME] / being committed by [NAME]
Game Description
Team A will be working on a car racing game which will be called the "Time Racer".The main idea behind the game is to allow the user to reach certain point in the game within a time limit.In other words the user will race against time.Basically the user will start with 60 seconds of time on the clock. The user will have to reach the checkpoint within that time period in order to further playing the game. Once the user reaches the checkpoint, X amount of time will added and the racer will try to reach the second checkpoint. In the event that the user does not reach the checkpoint within the given time limit, the game will end.
As for the controls, the user will find it fairly simple and easy to use. Arrow keys will be used. "UP" to accelerate the car, "DOWN" to break the break/put the car in reverse, "LEFT" & "RIGHT" to turn the car.User will be given a list of various cars in the beginning to the game and will have the opportunity to select the one that he/she desires.
Depending on how the user drives, if he/she gets off the race track the car will collide with the walls. The car will have to stay on the race track in order to avoid collision with the walls.
Map of the World of the Game
Instructor's Comments
- nothing on the repository yet
Previous comments
- add repo link
- add trunk status
- add marking %
- maximum group % is 75% - there has to be some individual component
- your concept is fine, but you need much more detail to start coding
- map of the game
- what kinds of models will you use
- what kind of collision
- try to stay axis aligned - more on this when we meet