no edit summary
* Which Cygwin packages are needed?
Installation SequenceStart Time 12:18
Python 2.4
Configuring Environment
No instructions on what exactly to place in the Hostperm.1 file.
Hostperm.1 file is autogenerated and warns against editing it.
Make the Create extension_perf_reports part bold
The following is the default settings for the config.yaml extension section.
# Extensions to install in test (use "extensions: {}" for none)
extensions: {}
# Make sure that the path is directed to the desired location of the extension
# Need quotes around guid because of curly braces
#"{12345678-1234-1234-1234-abcd12345678}" : c:\path\to\unzipped\xpi
#foo@sample.com : c:\path\to\other\unzipped\xpi
Received the following error message.
<pre>C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32>run_tests.py config.yaml
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\run_tests.py", line 61, in ?
import tp
File "C:\mozilla\testing\performance\win32\tp.py", line 57, in ?
import win32pdh
ImportError: No module named win32pdh
Realized that it was caused because I forgot to install the Python Win32 Extensions
WindowsError : [Errno 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'c:\\docume~1\\domain~1\\locals~1\\temp\\tmpgdzhtf\\